
Khammouan PPIU visited the farmers at the rice demonstration to monitor the process of fertilizing, and plant disease management in Nongbok and Hinboun districts in detail below:

Nongbok district: 2 APGs with group members of 6 families maintained the demonstration of HTDK8 and TDK16 varieties with a plot area of 12.098 square meters.

Hinboun district: 3 APGs with group members of 9 families have an area of 14.232 square meters for the demonstration of  HTDK8 and XBF4 varieties.



The Climate-Friendly Agribusiness Value Chains Sector Project: the National Project Management Office and PPIU Staff of Khammouane province monitored the Socio-Economic Baseline Survey in 12 villages of 3 districts of Xaibouly, Champhone and Xonnabouly, from 26th August to
3rd September 2022.
The Socio-Economic Baseline Survey covered, among others, in Champhone district: 3 villages of Thongbukluksee cluster villages such as Laohuekham, Yordheauybuk and Kor; in
Xaibouly district: 3 villages of the Hardxaisong cluster villages such as Naxiengkarn, Kang and Dangsavan; and in Xonnabouly district: 3 villages of Xienghom2 cluster villages such as Thakhamleaum, Nanongpham and Nongbeulao.
Except for the NPMO, PPIU and DPIU staff, there were also 240 villagers, including 64 women attending these exercises.


From 17th to 22nd August 2022, the PPIU of Khammouane conducted a training course on Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) for 3 APGs in the Nongbok district (Sopbor, Dongkasin and Namphou). The training was chaired by Mr Khamsing SENGVIENGXAI, the deputy coordinator of DPIU. The training was attended by 86 participants including 27 women.




The Climate Friendly Agribusiness Value Chains Sector Project (CFAVC), accompanied by PPIUs and DPIUs carried out a Monitoring exercise on the rural infrastructure inventories for the locative positions to prepare the map of Infrastructure in target areas such as access roads to agriculture production areas, water retention ponds, and irrigation for IEE in 21 villages of 3 districts (Hinboun 9 villages, Nongbok 8 villages and Xaybangfai 4 villages).

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