Output No.1

Critical agribusiness value chain infrastructure improved and made climate resilient. It involves rehabilitation and modernization of critical infrastructure to increase production and resource efficiency, reduce post-harvest losses, and enhance value chain links while improving climate resilience. Key activities include

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Activity 1

Rehabilitating small scale irrigation infrastructure and rural roads

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Activity 2

Upgrading crop research, safety and quality testing infrastructure

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Activity 2

Climate-friendly infrastructure in private agribusinesses

Output No.2

Climate smart agriculture and agribusiness promoted. Activities include

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Activity 1

climate-resilient varieties of rice & vegetables

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Activity 2

climate-smart agriculture practices and technologies, GAP, organic farming and agribusiness operations

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Activity 2

Matching Grant

Output No.3

Enabling environment for climate-friendly agribusiness enhanced. The project will support the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and the Ministry of Industry and Commerce in creating an enabling policy environment to promote private sector investments through public-private partnerships, contract farming and formation of joint APG-agribusiness ventures. Key activities include

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Activity 1

Agribusiness policy

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Activity 2

Climate-conscious standards developed and complied

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Activity 2

Green Finance and Climate Risk Management improved