
The Climate Friendly Agribusiness Value Chains Sector Project (CFAVC), Xekong PPIU conducted a Seminar on Agriculuture Production Group and Cooperative Decree no 606/Gov, on 26 Nov 2020 and Recommendations about the General of Agriculuture Production Group and Cooperative to project target APGs. The Seminar was held at Anna Hotel, Thateng District from 17th to 19th October 2022, chaired by Mr Bounsong Lammayot, Deputy Director of the Provincial Agriculture and Forestry Office and Mr Souphon Xaisagnar  Deputy Governor.  The conference was attended by 63 participants, including 21 women from PPIUs, DPIUs and APG members of Lakkao, Kongtayoon and Huaxedon villages.


Cooperative Serminar2


From 5th to 6th October 2022, the Climate Friendly Agribusiness Value Chains Sector Project (CFAVC) held a Climate Risk Management Meeting at the Heaungthip Hotel, Savanakhet province. The meeting was chaired by Mr Sounthala Thonphanith, the Deputy Director of PAFO, and attended by 80 participants, including 10 women from the DEAC, NAFRI, DOI, DOFH,  DOCC MONRE, 6 PAFOs of the target provinces, FAO and representatives from 6 water user groups.


Seminar 2                   





From 4th to 5th August 2022, the PPIU of Khammouane province held a meeting at the provincial agriculture and forestry office (PAFO) to review the demonstration of rice growing techniques and APG Management in 3 districts such as Nongbok, Hinboun and Xaybangfai. The meeting was co-chaired by Ms Dalounny XAIYABOUT, deputy director of the Provincial Agriculture and Forestry Office and Mr Sopha SITHISOM, DDG of DEAC. 25 participants, including 7 women attended the meeting.

The meeting presented and discussed in detail the demonstration of rice growing techniques as shown below:

 No Name of APGs  District Member (family) Area(m2)  Productivity (kg/ha) Remark
Navangthong Group Nongbok 3  6.672  4,940 (kg/ha)  
 2 Napork Group Xaybangfai 3   2.161 4,933 (kg/ha)  
 3 Thakor Group Xaybangfai 3  3,805  4,733 (kg/ha)  
 4  Nayangngai Group Xaybangfai 3  3,873   4,267 (kg/ha)  
 5 Nongdong Group Hinboun 3 3,528  4,354 (kg/ha)  
6 Nateuy Group Hinboun 1,835 4,413 (kg/ha)  
7 Phonmen Group Hinboun 3 2,654 4,041 (kg/ha)  


The Climate Friendly Agribusiness Value Chains Project (CFAVC) held a training course on the Financial Management and Accounting for APGs at Vangheupa Village, Hinboun District, Khammeaun Province. The workshop was chaired by Mr Phetsamai Phaboriboun, Deputy Head of DAFO. The training was conducted for 3 Agriculture production groups (Dondu APG, Nongdong APG and Vanghuapa APG), with 17 participants including 3 women.


Training on CFAVC Baseline Survey for M&E Staff from 19 districts of 6 project target provinces

The Climate Friendly Agribusiness Value Chains Sector Project (CFAVC) held a Training and Pilot Test on the CFAVC Baseline Survey, from 18th to 21st July 2022 at the Provincial Agriculture and Forestry Office (PAFO) for M&E Staff from 19 districts of 6 project target provinces. The training was chaired by Mr Sounthala Thonphanith, deputy director of the Provincial Agriculture and Forestry Office.

65 participants, including 14 women from 6 PPIUs, 19 DPIUs, PIC and AFC attended the training.


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