Introduction to CFAVC project

Climate-Friendly Agribusiness Value Chains Sector Project (CFAVC) is a project designed and implemented to improve and empower farmers by creating an enabling environment for climate-friendly agribusinesses to promote environmental sustainability and by increasing the profitability for farmers and agribusinesses. Under the guidance of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Department of Technical Extension and Agro Processing (DTEAP), the project will address financial needs of farmers and agri- businesses by providing access to: information, training and revolving loan funds and matching grant for investments. Read more !

Output No.1: Critical agribusiness value chain infrastructures improved and made climate-resilient. Key activities include the following: (i) Rehabilitating small-scale irrigation infrastructure and rural roads to climate-resilient condition (ii) Enhancing crop research, protection and quality testing infrastructure; and (iii) Improving climate-friendly value chain infrastructure for agribusiness enterprises.

Critical agribusiness value chain infrastructure improved and made climate-resilient. Read more !

Output No.2: Climate smart agriculture and agribusiness promoted. Key activities include (i) Deploying climate-resilient rice and vegetable varieties (ii) Strengthening capacity in climate smart and organic agriculture; and (iii) Promoting farm mechanization through a smallholder financing scheme.

Climate smart agriculture and agribusiness promoted. Read more !

Output No.3: Enabling environment for climate-friendly agribusiness enhanced. The key activities include (i) Formulating climate-friendly agribusiness policies and standards (ii) Promoting green finance and climate risk sharing mechanisms.

Enabling environment for climate-friendly agribusiness enhanced. Read more !


CFAVC project provides grants for many related stakeholders. There are two main grants namely Matching Grant Scheme (MGS) and Smallholder Finance Scheme (SFS). For more information, please follow the information below

Matching Grant Scheme (MGS)

MGS will provide funding support to: Upgrade selected small to medium size rice mills, Construct or upgrade pack houses for vegetable collection and marketing clusters, Upgrade biofertilizer production factories. The matching grants available is a proportion of the project investment cost (up to 60%, and will be provided to agribusinesses, or farmer groups (also referred to as Agricultural Production Groups/APGs) (which will manage the packhouses), with, with the remainder.. Read more !

Smallholder Finance Scheme (SFS)

SFS objective is to help investments for improved farm practices at an individual level. Support will be provided through training, both on climate smart agriculture and for APG formation and strengthening. In order to further incentivize farmers and APGs to adopt new technologies, finance will be provided by the project (at rates determined by the APGs which will be better than financial institutions, including MFIs, which currently have few clients in the agricultural sector) through a smallholder .. Read more !

Matching Grant Scheme (MGS) - Calling for Concept note

Our sponsors

Department Of Agricultural Extension and Cooperatives
Road No. 10, Dontew Village, Xaythany District, Vientiane Capital, Lao PRD
(856 30) 5046363