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On September 12, 2024, Climate-Friendly Agribusiness Value Chains Sector Project (CFAVC) of the Department of Agricultural Extension and Cooperatives, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry organized a SFS Grant handover ceremony to 5 Agriculture Production Groups in Paksong District, Champasak Province.
The meeting was chaired by Mr. Somboun Heuangvongsa, Deputy Governor of Champasak Province, Chairman of the Steering Committee of the provincial-level, Mr. Somphone Keohavong, Director General of the Department of Agricultural Extension and Cooperatives (MAF), Mr. Phimphone Phandanouvong, Governor of Paksong District.
The purpose of the ceremony was to provide the support funds to 5 Vegetable Production Groups, total amount of LAK2,541,855,000 (approximately of USD115,000), which is a grant from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) to the Vegetable Production Group of Thongkalong Village, Katuad Village, Huaysed Village, Kongtoon Village and Nongsoung Village, which has a total of 134 families. The grant proceeds together with each farmer’s contribution will be invested in a wide range of climate friendly agriculture activities in the province.
The ceremony was attended by representatives from many stakeholders, including representatives from the Office of Natural Resources and Environment, the Office of Industry and Commerce, the Office of Finance, the Office of Agriculture and Forestry at the district level, Department of Agriculture Extension and Cooperatives, Department of Agriculture and Forestry of Champasak Province, CFAVC Project as well as the members of the 5 Vegetable production groups.